Welcome to our services page where we highlight the range of offerings provided by Newton Compliance Services.

Fire Risk Assessments
Newton Compliance Services can provide the following types of Fire Risk Assessments:
Type 1- Type 1 is the most common type of Fire Risk Assessment and is usually sufficient for most purpose-built blocks of flats and conversions. Type 1 is a non-destructive assessment of the common parts of the building, not the private dwellings.
Type 3- Type 3 is similar to type 1 because it is a non-destructive risk assessment however this assessment considers flats as well as common areas within a building. Areas such as means of escape, compartmentation between flats and means of fire detection are considered in all areas including the flats.
DSEAR- DSEAR requires employers to assess the risks of fires and explosions that may be caused by dangerous substances in the workplace. The aim is to protect all employees, visitors and members of the public by eliminating or reducing the risks as far as reasonably practicable.
Compartmentation Surveys-Newton Compliance Services perform detailed inspections and surveys of passive fire protection systems, including fire doors, fire barriers, and fire stopping solutions, to ensure they meet the standards and are functioning correctly.

Fire Door Inspections
More than 75% of Fire Doors fail an inspection. This fail can be a minor fault to being unfit for purpose.
No matter how big the fault, the integrity of the door will be compromised and will under perform during a fire.
Have you had your fire doors inspected?
Are they fit for purpose?

CAD Drawings
Newton Compliance Services can provide a CAD drawing as part of a Fire Risk Assessment or as a separate project. If you require any of the following please get in touch via the button below:
- Floor Plans
- Zonal Plans
- Emergency Evacuation Plans